'Bodies in Trouble' Review | Tagesspiegel - Berlin
Roxanna Hall's LISA alongside Rebecca Fontaine-Wolf's LA PETIT MORTE in
Tagesspiegel on our exhibition currently at Haus Kunst Mitte BODIES IN TROUBLE beautifully curated by gallery director Dr. Anna Havemann can be seen alongside sister show TROUBLED NATURE until January 15, 2023
Heidestrasse 54, 10557 Berlin Weds, Friday - Sunday: 12 pm - 6 pm Thursday: 12pm - 8pm
RADICAL CUTS , Artists fight without compromise
"...Havmann actually wanted to implement a project with the British Society of Women Artists, the sister association of the Berlin Association of Women Artists." too many still lives and flowers" Havemann realised after a visit and preferred to cooperate with the renegade artist Rebecca Fontaine-Wolf (la petit mort) who had co-founded "Infems - intersectional feminist art collective" as an alternative. Together with Berlin artists it results in a beautifully curated, exciting and sensual discourse on issues of gender, discrimination and racism, with positions that fight for a self-determined image of the female body.
"...The participating artists address the traditional and misogynous representation of the female body in Western art as well as in the media; the regulation and suppression of the female body through medicine and research. They fight for the enforcement of inclusive habits of representation and identification. They conduct their struggles on and around their bodies with self-reflection, humor, and art historical knowledge.
Haus Kunst Mitte is an exhibition space for national and international contemporary art in the center of Berlin. It is a house for artists, art lovers, art experts, and collectors. A place of encounter and exchange, where experimentation and discussions are welcomed. It is a home for art and culture..."